Do you want to know how to lose belly fat by running?
Does running get rid of belly fat?
How long does it take to lose belly fat by running?
Full disclosure. I am not an avid runner. Not even the jogging type. In fact, I hate running.
Yet, I lost the fat in my stomach just by walking. But, you are probably the runner type. So let me tell you what I know about running to lose belly fat.
How do you lose belly fat by running?

You can lose that stubborn potbelly in no time by running daily. You sweat out the fat, but do you know the exact science of losing fat?
Once you know this, you can implement it on any workout so you can maximize your fat loss. And it’s not even that hard.
This is the formula you need, it’s just an update on the old. Once you learn it, you will lose weight and finally see your abs.
Do NOT tell anyone…
You need to find your maximum heart rate then multiply it with the numbers NCBI suggested for maximal fat oxidation, which is 60% to 80%.
To find your maximum heart rate, 207 – (0.7 x Age).
As an example, I will use my age, 40.
179 MHR = 207 – (0.7 x 40)
107.4 MFO = 179 x 60%
So the best heart rate I should get my heart pumping is at 107 beats per minute.
Hitting a consistent 107 BPM is not hard at all. Shocking right?
Hence, you can lose your round midsection even if you are running slow and steady. Jogging is a better term.
Since you already know the secret to lose weight and fat, you need to put it into action.
Sitting there and reading this article will not help your potbelly. So get up and hit the road running.
Before you do, the following are tips to help you run for miles.
Running tips to shred your gut

These tips are for beginning runners. For the pros, you already know what to do, so, go run.
But wait, doing a quick skim through the rest of the article may find yourself something new.
Buy proper fitting shoes
This is obvious but many won’t bother. But if you want to avoid injuries or sore feet, buy proper shoes for running as they are made with running in mind. Not walking or basketball where jumping is involved.
You need shoes that fit you. Blisters come from movements and friction from your feet rubbing against the sole of your shoe.
A properly fitted shoe should have a half an inch gap from the front inner tip of your shoe to the tip of your longest toe.
Your foot shouldn’t feel like it’s being squeezed. Ask the sales attendant to get a wider shoe if it is too narrow.
Buying a bigger size won’t solve the problem because a bigger size will be longer, as well as being wider.
Start slow
You can stretch if you’d like to but I actually just start walking, especially when I don’t want to waste time.
Walking will warm up your legs, make it flexible and may prevent injuries. After 5 minutes, start jogging, then go for it.
Land toe first, heel last

Did you know that we, humans, used to run toe to heel? We didn’t have shoes back then, we ran barefooted.
After the advent of shoes, our running style changed from toe to heel, to heel to toe. Today, there are many people who land heel to toe when running.
NCBI did a study on “Why forefoot striking in minimal shoes might positively change the course of running injuries.”
They found the heel to toe running pattern causes more stress on your joints compared to toe to heel pattern.
Since young, I’ve always run toe to heel pattern. This is because I wanted to be a ninja. Funny right?
True story. I used to run to school tippy-toeing and hiding from people. Sneaking up on my friends and scaring the crap out of them made my day.
Why tippy-toe? Well, Ninjas are silent. And how do you walk silently? You tippy-toe.
This has probably strengthened my calves and ankles because, in all my years of playing basketball, I never had any ankle injuries, ever.
I don’t’ want to sound like I am indestructible but there were close calls, where I jump and land awkwardly on someone’s foot but I just spring back up.
Have you tried running with your toes hitting the ground first? You should try it.
But, if you want to transition from heel to toe, to toe to heel, do it gradually.
There have been cases where people got injured for going too hard in their first session.
Cool down and stretch
After every run, always cool down. Slowly get your heart rate to normal. This will prevent any sudden feeling of faintness.
You can stretch but studies have shown that stretching has no effect on muscle soreness whether done before, during or after the workout.
Even after knowing this, I still stretch after, it must be a habit.
I have tested and compared it myself and found the study to be true. My legs are crippled after a leg session at the gym, even after a good stretch.
How to stay motivated

There are times when you just feel lazy and don’t want to do anything. I know, I have been there.
Even years of working out and making it a habit, there are still days when I just feel yuck.
The good news is, you will feel guilty of missing just one session.
Once you make this a routine and are seeing success, trust me, you will stop yourself from regressing.
Have a running buddy
Running with someone keeps the long tedious running session feel like hanging out with friends.
When you hang out with friends and have a laugh, time seems to just fly. Doing a 30 minutes cardio feels like forever.
Also, you will hold each other accountable for success or failure.
Get set and go
Early morning runs are the best but it can be hard to get up in the mornings, especially in the winter months.
To stop any procrastination, wear your running outfit to sleep and put your runners by the front door, ready to go.
Change it up
Doing the same thing gets boring quick. Same as running the same route. Try running to the right instead of left to change scenery.
To increase fat loss or just prevent boredom, you can add quick sprints in your run. Maybe a sprint up a hill one day, or a sprint before your cooldown.
Keep a record
Buy a diary. Record your weight from the start. Your pace, how many kilometers you ran. Seeing your improvements will further enhance your motivation.
Don’t think that resting is downtime, think of it as training too. You need your muscles to recover, especially when you haven’t used your muscles in a long time.
Do NOT push yourself when your legs are hurting. This will only lead to injuries and one you may not recover from.
Don’t believe in movies and be a hero that pushes through the pain barrier. Remember, this is real life.
The pain you are feeling is your body telling you something. Heed its warning.
Can you lose belly fat by running?
Does running get rid of belly fat?
The short answer is yes, however, there’s a but.
Running to lose fat in stomach is great. Even if you are not sweating like a pig, you are still losing belly fat.
Also, to lose belly fat but you have to incorporate running with a healthy diet to see good results.
You see, if you are eating more than you are expending, then you’ll never see your abs. The extra calories will turn to fat and those hard miles you clocked up won’t matter.
Before going out for a run, wear the right gear. You can get injured if you are not wearing proper shoes.

How long does it take to lose belly fat by running?
It depends on your efforts. Running is only part of the equation to winning the battle of the bulge.
Typically, you will start seeing numbers go down within a week or two. Again, this is totally dependent on your motivation, efforts and how badly you want it.
I’ve had people come to me wanting to lose their potbelly. The problem is they sabotage their success by eating junk or missing out on workouts.
No matter how good your nutritionist or trainer is, they cannot change you, if you don’t want to
Can you lose belly fat by running on a treadmill?
Yes, you can lose weight just by running on the treadmill. This is what I do after hitting the weights.
Also, when you have your own treadmill, it’s more convenient and time friendly. Driving to and from the gym can add an extra 30 minutes to your workout.
Granted, your treadmill won’t be as good as the ones they have in the gym. Unless you are filthy rich and actually own the gym.
But really, you don’t need a treadmill to lose your belly fat. You can actually just run on the spot and incorporate some aerobics.
As long as you are sweating or hitting that fat burning zone, you are shredding the fat in your stomach.
Does running burn fat everywhere?
Sure it does. Whether you are walking, running, climbing stairs or swimming. You are burning fat in your face, your thighs, arms, and belly. Running and any form of cardio doesn’t discriminate.
Does running burn belly fat or muscle?
Wouldn’t it be great if you do cardio and not lose muscle mass? Sadly, this is not the case. This is why losing weight while gaining muscle is incredibly hard.
It is common practice for people to do a bulking season where calorie surplus is the goal. Then subsequently do a shred season to lose the extra flab they put on during the bulking phase.
To preserve muscle mass when you are trying to lose weight or burning belly fat, you should incorporate strength training into your regimen.
[source: Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss]